Parcels Referencing

Parcels Referencing

Refer your Second Life Plots, and display it on your website

View Estates

Refer your plots on your Website or on dedicated page

All yours plots will be referenced automatically on your website without doing anything.

You have many including solutions, like iFrame, Wp Shortcode, CSV list

Create your own panel design and graphical identity

You can create your own panel, many updatable and customizable prims

Manage your panels network easily in one time

You can update all graphical design and managers in one time with your panel server.

All panels will receive your new configuration, like Office Location, Logo, Banner, Managers list, Visitor Message, Sensor Range, Flood Time...


Stay informed if visitor visiting your land. You and yours managers will be notified with all visitor informations

Visitor receive an IM with a personal and modifiable text that include some shortcodes like user name, land price, land tiers, office location and many more customizable.

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